Tax law
The firm specializes in providing professional opinions on tax law and administrative law, and in conducting negotiations vis-à-vis the tax authorities and representation in the various judicial instances. The firm is known for its creative ideas, which in most cases are accepted by the tax authorities.
Prof. Dan Bein, who was one of the leading tax judges in Israel, heads the firm. Prof. Bein is responsible for many tax law precedents, in the framework of his tenure as Vice President of the Haifa District Court, in charge of the Court of Administrative Affairs.
The firm has a unique ability that combines professional know-how for the purpose of preparing opinions and expertise in conducting negotiations vis-à-vis the tax authorities, and to the extent necessary litigation. The firm also specializes in managing complex cases vis-à-vis the tax authorities, and in obtaining settlement agreements and pre-rulings that afford the client a significant tax savings.
The tax authorities, legal community and courts recognize the firm's opinions as a fitting interpretation of the existing law. On more than one occasion, legislative changes have been made on the basis of opinions published by the firm.
The firm handles criminal tax cases from the investigation stage, including fine arrangements, plea arrangements and representation in the various instances. It is noted that Prof. Bein is an expert on the criminal law.
The firm provides backing in commercial transactions, from the stage of establishing the company and choosing the area of incorporation, including any act done by a company that has tax implications on the company and its owners. The firm also provides advice on transaction planning and building businesses.
The firm's tax experts assist in all the tax aspects of the firm's other specialisations.