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Prof. Dan Bein, Judge (Retired), Advocate, Licensed Mediator and Arbitrator

Curriculum Vitae



Prof. Dan Bein

Date and place of birth:  

Jerusalem, 1935.

Graduated from the Jerusalem Hebrew Gymnasium in 1953.

Married +4





Academic titles:





M.J. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty.


M.E. on the basis of external exams of the Ministry of Education.


License to practice law. Member of the Israeli Bar


Dr.Jur. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty. Subject of thesis: Criminal Intent in Attempt (instructor: President Prof. S. Agranat)



Professional experience:




Volunteer in Youth Probation Service, as assistant to Probation Officer.


Instructor at Bnei Brit Institute for Disturbed Children.


IDF: military defender at the Military Attorney's Office with the rank of law officer.
In this framework, also served on reserve duty as military prosecutor and legal advisor in the Judea and Samaria military government. Reserve duty: served as member of the military appeals court with the rank of Colonel. 


Internship with Adv. G. Hausner and on the latter's appointment as Attorney-General, internship in the Legal Advisor's Office, at the State Attorney's Office and in the Ministry of Justice's department of legislation.


Assistant to the State Attorney, in the State Attorney's Office. In such capacity, appeared in the Supreme Court.


Attorney in the law firm of Teperberg and  Nener in Jerusalem.


Annotated judgments of the Supreme Court.


Appointed as judge of Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.


Appointed as (acting) judge of Jerusalem District Court.


Appointed as judge of Haifa District Court with tenure.


Appointed as Vice President of Haifa District Court. Responsible for the Haifa Court of Administrative Law.


Retired early from the Court and joined the internal teaching staff of Shaarei Mishpat College  (till 2007)


Founded law firm, Prof. Bein Co.


Member of the Teaching Staff of Faculty of Law, The Carmel Academic Center



Academic career:




Part-time penal law assistant, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


Full-time penal law lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


Lecturer on the elements of law in conjunction with the Department of Social Science (in addition to position of penal law lecturer in the Law Faculty).


Sabbatical for the purpose of advanced studies and research at London University's Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, with the assistance of a scholarship from the University's supporters in England. Also spent three months by virtue of a DAAD scholarship at Freiburg, Germany, at the Max Planck Institute for Ausländisches u.Internationales Strafrecht for the purposes of research in the field of criminal comparative law.


Taught at Tel Aviv University's Law Faculty.


Received a scholarship to participate in an international seminar in Syracuse, Sicily, on international criminal law, on behalf of AIDP - (International Association of Penal Law).


Appointed to the  Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University as researcher (parallel to the rank of  senior lecturer).


Appointed as adjunct teacher in the Technion's general studies department, with the rank  parallel to associate  professor


External teacher in the Tel Aviv University Law Faculty ( rank parallel to that of associate professor)


Lectured at senior officer's course of Israel Police (under the auspices of the Criminology Institute of the Tel Aviv University Law Faculty).


Appointed as head of the Legal Division of the Haifa University's General Studies Department.


Penal law lecturer at the Law School of the Michlala Le'Minhal [College of Administration]

1991 on:

Penal law external lecturer at the Haifa University Law Faculty (rank parallel to that of associate professor).
Occasionally lectured at advanced study courses of the Israel Bar.  

1992 on:

Lecturer at Shaarei Mishpat College (from 2003 until 2007 a member of the College's permanent teaching staff).


Member of the permanent teaching staff at the Zussman Institute of Advanced Judicial Studies; in such capacity, organized and lectured at various advanced study courses.


Member of the "Missim" journal's editorial board. Member of the "Hasenigor" journal's editorial board.


Appointed as associate professor at Sh'arei Mishpat College (appointment of the Council of Higher Education), instructed many master's students in the writing of theses, judged a number of doctoral papers.

Member of professional committees for the promotion of lecturers.


Member of Carmel College's internal teaching staff.


Member of the permanent staff of the Faculty of Law, Carmel Academic College



Committee memberships:




Member of the organizing committee of the First International Symposium on Victimology.


Member of the Committee for Property Offences headed by President Y. Cohen (prepared the draft law that served as a basis for the Committee's proposal).


Chairman for the enforcement of legislation and policing in traffic offences on behalf of the National Council for Accidents Prevention.

Various dates:

Participated in international conferences of the AIDP as national reporter on the following subjects: dangerous drugs, economic offences, the relationship between the structure of the courts and the criminal procedure.


Appointed as a committee of one on behalf of the President of the Supreme Court to examine the subject of search orders.


Chairman of the Haifa branch of the Alcoholism Prevention Society; appointed as member of the Academic Council of the Zussman Institute of Advanced Judicial Studies and invited to lecture at advanced judicial study courses.


Chairman of the Haifa Criminal and Prisoner Rehabilitation Society Rehabilitation Committee.


Member of the National Judges' Representation on behalf of the Haifa District Court.

1990 on:

Member of Rotary Israel.


Member of the organizing committee of the "Codification in the Criminal Law" Conference that was held at Haifa University.


Head of public committee to examine the establishment of a Magistrate's Court in the Arab sector, which submitted its conclusions to Minister Yossi Beilin.


Chairman of Tax Committee of Israel Bar - Haifa and President of the Haifa Tax and Financial Matters Club.


Chairman of the Haifa branch of "Huka Be'haskama" (together with Prof. J. Edrei)


Writer of column on legal matters with "Globes" newspaper.


Chairman of committee pursuant to Regulation 25(29) of the Mandatory Tenders Regulations, with regard to the grant of quarry permits with exemption from a tender.


Chairman of the National Committee on the Crisis in the Water Administration.

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